Thursday, September 27, 2007

Excel Auto-fill and Formatting demo

This spreadsheet has some interesting features on page BadgeLog. Because this spreadsheet uses many Excel features, I offer it as a download.

• The formula in N7 was fun. I create the logon ID from the first letter of the first name and the last name. BUT, I don't create this ID until I've entered the date to verify that I've actually created the account. The other blue column is also automatically filled.

• 4 columns (green) contain drop-downs created with the Data > Validation tool and data on the Lists page.

• I used Conditional Formatting to indicate the columns that are either auto filled or have drop-downs.

• There's a neat macro (which I didn't create from scratch) to automatically fill in the shading. After I delete lines or resort the spreadsheet, the macro clears existing formatting and recreates the shading. This one is hard-coded, but the original prompted for variables for many of the specs.

(c) 2004-2007 w/ public domain components. Free distribution with permanent acknowledgment.